I was born on your birthday, dear father!

The first living icons in a human’s life are parents full of love and care! I learned faith and prayer from my parents who lived in understanding and blessing. Both being modest and balanced people in their actions, humble in relation to the smallest man. I learned unconditional love from my parents. My connection with my dad was special. Maybe because I was born on his birthday, March 19th. We were very good friends. For Vasile Movileanu our growth and education mission was as important as the vocation of a painter!

Dad educated us through parables and laughed at human stupidity reminding us of Ion Creangă. He illustrated many children’s books. The first admirers of the illustrations for the book stories were me and my sister Cristina. Often after dinner, I would stay in the kitchen and listen to my father’s stories. Some of them were illustrated by him, others were composed. The purpose was to educate ourselves through play, to grow free in thought, brave, dignified, independent, with character, persevering in what we really want. We both wanted to prove that we are the grandpa’s girl from the story of Ion Creangă. Conversation and mutual esteem were important in the family. Dad was a very brave man, it also encourages us, even now when I have hard times in my life I remember his words, “Don’t be afraid, I know you can!”

At the age of 7, my dad bought me a new bike and, encouraged by him, I learned to ride it. Later, after college, I went with my dad out of town and he gave me some driving lessons, so I got my license. Dad also insisted on going swimming together with my sister, I especially liked swimming, practising this sport for many years in a row. At the insistence of the mother, daddy learned to swim with the help of the coach.  He swam only with his hands, it was harder until he learned to balance himself.

Dad really liked playing chess, he also taught us to play this game.  At the end of the year, we were playing chess in the family. Through the game of chess he taught us to be prepared to lose, but with dignity. In life, as in chess, every movement must be thought and assumed. In the memory of the father, my mom founded the “Vasile Movileanu Public Association” in which a chess club is active in the father’s commune, where the children have the opportunity to meet the chess world.

Dad was the best listener! When I came from school I told him how the day went, then I told him how I was at the University. I was talking about the trips I was going with the folk craft team. My success in life is largely due to my family’s education. When I was a kid, I knew what I want to become when I grow up. With the bits of material leftovers after my mom sewed, I dressed my dolls. I was creative and my parents noticed that. In order to become a costume designer, painting and composition were also needed. I received the first painting lessons from my father, I was going to take the entrance exams at the Faculty of Arts. Thus I successfully combined the art of sewing with painting.

From the time I was born until I was gone to Romania, my dad has always been close to me. This is how it happened that in January 2011 we said goodbye thinking that we would see each other in the summer. Dad wasn’t a syrupy man, but when we left with my husband he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, which I don’t know him to do that before when I used to go.
He knew or intuited, but it was the last hug…
Dad was sicker than he wanted to admit. He didn’t want to worry us! He was battling cancer of his own, he didn’t want to leave us. He was still young, he was 56 years old …
He loved life and lived it admirable to the end!

Vasile Movileanu with kids

Homework help

Autorul textului: Victoria Movileanu

    Blog Comments

    Da eu îmi amintesc bine de fratele tău ,pentru mine era unicul cu probleme de sănătate ,dar a fost unicul om in care a avut o inima buna,un om cu suflet mare și de o frumusețe sufleteasca enorma ,mi-l amintesc așa …ultima data la poarta cimitirului .🙏

    Multumim mult pentru gindurile frumoase.