The oil paintings which appeared quite unexpectedly for some, as a surprise to the imagination of the viewer. Vasile used to say a lot: watercolours require a quick, almost immediate interpretation, leaving no room for correction or drawbacks, and that is why everything has to be calculated from the beginning of the project, knowing precisely where you must get. Such a method, to which he was perfectly faithful, required great concentration and oftentimes led to physical exhaustion and I believe that he unconsciously dreamt of a revelation, of a moment of breathing, a respite, so he could recover from that effort of concentration. And this opportunity presented itself in the shape of oil painting. Canvas and oil are different materials than paper, but also a different aesthetic, with perspectivist and factual possibilities which allow you, in baby-steps, to create all kinds of materialistic effects and optical illusions.
The following works are born from beneath Vasile Movileanu’s brush: ”Childhood, 2002”, ”Winter landscape with wolves 2007”, ”Garden of paradise 2007”, ”Autumn in the village 2001”, ”Good and evil 2001”, ”The gate of Fotache 2001”, ”Celebrations at Secareni village 2009”, ”The collection of works dedicated to music”. As these works were conceived as natural-philosophical compositions, they have a lightly illustrative characteristic, with romantic tones through which the main idea passes, like a red thread – ”The human being and nature”, ”The beauty of earthly life”, ”The poetization of the surrounding world”.