Born on 19 March 1955, in the village of Secăreni, Hâncesti District – d. 5 July 2011, in Chisinau, Moldova. 

1974–1978 ” Ilya Repin” School of Fine Arts (now A. Plămădeală) – the workshop of M. Proniaev.
1981–1987 Moscow Polygraphic Institute, Department of ”Book Graphics”.
Disciple of Prof. Natalia Goncerova.

1990 Member of the Fine Arts Union in the Republic of Moldova.
1998 Member of the International Association of Plastic Artists (UNESCO).

1987 International Fair ”Graphics of Books” Moscow.
1992 ”Graphics of Books” solo exhibition celebrating the ”Gheorghe Asachi” award received from the
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Moldova offered for excellence in children’s book art.
1994 Personal exhibition of book and easel graphics at the special boarding school in Ialoveni.
1998 Personal exhibition at the hall of Plastic Artists of Moldova (catalog).
1999 United Nations Development Programme UNDP in Moldova.
2002 Embassy of the United States, information resource centre (flyer).
2003 The exhibition hall of UNION FENOSA (flyer, poster).
2005 The exhibition hall of the ”Nicolae Balcescu” Military Circle, Sibiu, Romania (flyer).
2006 ”Conference Centre of the Ministry of Defense of Moldova” (poster).
2006 Exhibition at the OSCE hall (calendar).
2007 International Monetary Fund (Brochure).
2008 Exhibition at TV 7 (Diploma).
2008 Exhibition at the school in his native village of Secăreni.
2008 Exhibition on the occasion of the ”Days of Chișinău” in the lobby of the Chișinău city hall.
2009 The ”Constantin Brâncuși” Exhibition Centre UAP, (poster)
2010 Exhibition at the Clinic Center for Aesthetic Medicine ”Sancos” (Brochure).

1979 Exhibition of prints, posters, and watercolour. Chișinău.
1981 Exhibition ”Earth and its People”. The autumn salon. Chișinău.
1987 Exhibition ”Artists for Peace Fund”. Chișinău.
1988, 1992, 1994 Exhibition ”The autumn salon”. Chișinău.
1990, 1992, 1994 Exhibition ”Our language”. Chișinău.
1991, 1995 Republican Exhibition ”Book and easel graphics”. Chișinău.
1992, 1993 Exhibition ”The spring salon”. Chișinău.
1994 Winter exhibition. Chișinău.
1994 Ex-Libris contest organized by the National Library. (Mention).
1994 Exhibition organized by the Culture Inspectorate of the Tulcea County in Romania, with the following participants: I. Cârmu, F. Hămuraru, V. Cojocaru, S. Cuciuc, I. Moraru, A. Sîrbu, S. Gavenia, S. Sîrbu, V. Movileanu. Chișinău Government Palace of Moldova, Chișinău.

1989 International Book Graphics Fair, Moscow.
1991 Group Exhibition, Câmpina, Romania.
1991 Exhibition „Salon of Moldova”. Galați, Romania.
1994 International Exhibition ”Book Graphics”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
1996 ”Moldavian Salons”. Bacău, Romania, (catalogue).
1997, 1999, 2001 Biennial of Book Graphics, International Exhibition of Book Art, Bratislava, (catalogue).
1998 Biennial of Book Graphics, International Exhibition of Book Art, Belgrade, (catalogue).
2000 BIB ’99, International Exhibition of Book Art, Hiroko Mori & Stasys Museum, Japan, (catalogue). Nominated among the 65 best illustrators in the world.
2002 Exhibition of children’s books. Bologna, Italy.

1991 Câmpina, Romania.
1994 Cabana Calica Tulcea, Romania.
2008 Olănești, Republic of Moldova.
2009 Parcova, Republic of Moldova.

1992 ”Gheorghe Asachi” Award from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Moldova, dedicated to art for children.
1994 Among the best children’s books of 1993, the ”Mihail Sadoveanu” Prize for the book ”The Adventures of Chess”
1997 Award of the Children’s Book Fair for ”Book Illustration” of the book: L. Granici, T. Guţuţui, V. Movileanu ”The Bell”.
1998 The best graphical presentation of the book of Mihail Sadoveanu ”Three wonderful stories”.
1998 Diploma of Honor of the International Association of Fine Arts (UNESCO), for special merits in the development and promotion of book graphics for children and youth.
1999 United Nations Diploma, ”UNDP” Moldova.
2001 The Grant of the Chișinău Municipality in the field of arts.
2005 Book of the Year ”Necklace with the crying beads”.
2005 The Grant for Excellence of the ”Soros” Foundation, Moldova for Fine Arts.
2005 Diploma for outstanding achievements in the development and promotion of book graphics awarded by the Union of Artists of Moldova.
2009 The title of Honorary Citizen of the village of Secăreni (his native village).

More information about his life available in The vertical of an undefeated destiny here.

In September 2011, the Gymnasium of Secăreni was renamed after the painter’s name, Vasile Movileanu.
Also, the main street of Secăreni (where the artist’s parental home is also located)
has been named Vasile Movileanu.

His artwork can be found in the National Art Museum of Chișinău, the Museum of Arts of Tulcea, Romania, as well as in private collections from in France, Rusia, Romania, Germany, Italy, the USA and others.